Saturday, November 28, 2009

Last second Day

This day is the last second day that I live in KPM. we have our practical briefing on the rest of our day. So tired but the info is so important for us. It will help us to face the industry environment more easier. After the briefing ended, Mr Aie's mentee plan to have dinner with the mentor. Sir Aie Treat..... hehehe.....

First time in 2 years and the half I live in Kuantan, I step my foot at Tanjung Lumpur. People always said that the place is good with the seafood.

Having the moment with all my close friends which is Zack, Fairuz, Big d and Ash is something that I can buy in any place. It is so precious. We have a great night together. Having Squid amd fish...... Mamma MIa....
Love it.......

After we finish eaten and arrived at hostel, that is the time where I feel sad. I start hang out alone at some place that I think I love most.

Rock Chair- Where all the Nok approach me

AL0312- Where all the Nok hang out and cherish each other

Other places is not forgotten to. Room that I spend most of my time with Lorenzo and Roon than I shared all my feeling with Azam....

Yakuba- Of course, this is the day that I can't face them. Eventhough they always said to me be a man still they still can treat me the way I am.

It sad to separate with them....
like a friend told me.....
Don't end the friendship with a diploma....
Hope it is true.............