First time in 2 years and the half I live in Kuantan, I step my foot at Tanjung Lumpur. People always said that the place is good with the seafood.
Having the moment with all my close friends which is Zack, Fairuz, Big d and Ash is something that I can buy in any place. It is so precious. We have a great night together. Having Squid amd fish...... Mamma MIa....
Love it.......
After we finish eaten and arrived at hostel, that is the time where I feel sad. I start hang out alone at some place that I think I love most.
Rock Chair- Where all the Nok approach me
AL0312- Where all the Nok hang out and cherish each other
Other places is not forgotten to. Room that I spend most of my time with Lorenzo and Roon than I shared all my feeling with Azam....
Yakuba- Of course, this is the day that I can't face them. Eventhough they always said to me be a man still they still can treat me the way I am.
It sad to separate with them....
like a friend told me.....
Don't end the friendship with a diploma....
Hope it is true.............